Middle School Course Registration
Every January, students are able to register for their middle school courses for the following school year. School counselors work with students to select appropriate classes and complete the registration process.
SMS Registration Forms & Information to Provide:
Please complete and submit the following information to SMS Counseling Administrative Assistant, Maddison Zemlicka, or drop off forms to the main office. You may call the school's main line at 651-351-6908 with any questions:
- 6th grade registration planning sheet
- 7th grade registration planning sheet
- 8th grade registration planning sheet
- Physical Exam Form
- Your student’s end of year grade report
- Standardized test score(s) from the current year
Course Offerings
Hey students! Middle school is an important time to explore new things, be challenged, and find your passions. Our amazing teachers are here to guide you and support you along the way. Check out the course offerings by grade level to find the classes you need and choose the electives that fit your interests!
Grade 6
Check out the course description for sixth grade English.
Check out the course description for sixth grade math.
Check out the music elective options available to students in grade 6.
Check out the course description for sixth grade physical education.
Check out the course description for sixth grade social studies.
Check out the exploratory courses students will take.
Check out descriptions of science courses offered.
Grade 7
Check out descriptions for the English courses offered.
Check out the descriptions of science courses offered.
Check out the course descriptions for math courses offered.
Check out the music elective options available to students in grade 7.
Check out the course description for physical education.
Check out the course description for social studies.
Check out the exploratory courses students will take.
Grade 8
Check out all of the elective courses available.
Check out descriptions of English courses offered.
Check out descriptions of math courses offered.
Check out the course description for physical education.
Check out descriptions of science courses offered.
Check out the course description for social studies.
Additional Resources
- Middle School Placement Criteria
- Grade 6 Frequently Asked Questions
- Grade 7 Frequently Asked Questions
- Grade 8 Frequently Asked Questions
Middle School Placement Criteria
Course |
Selection Process Criteria |
Students must have earned credit in Pre-Algebra OR
Alternative Entry/Appeal
Students must have earned credit in Algebra.
Profile of a Middle School ELA Honors Learner:
Honors English 8 |
Students who earned credit in Honors English 7 are placed into Honors English 8. Profile of a Middle School ELA Honors Learner:
Grade 6 Frequently Asked Questions
What electives do we get to choose?
Cambiata Boys Choir, Treble Girls Choir, Orchestra, Band, General Music
Can I change the elective course I registered for?
We encourage students to be thoughtful about the electives they choose before registering because we base our staffing on your elective choices. If you register for band or orchestra, we expect that you fulfill that commitment for the entire school year. You can choose not to continue in band and orchestra the following year, if you like.
If I haven’t been in band or orchestra before, can I join in grade 6?
Students should have had a full year’s experience playing an instrument in grade 5 prior to joining band or orchestra in grade 6. Rare exceptions might be students who take private lessons between grade 5 and 6.
Can I change my instrument?
Students should not change their instrument between grade 5 and 6, because you need that full year’s experience with one instrument prior to band or orchestra in grade 6.
Which math courses are available to incoming Grade 6 students?
All grade 6 students take grade 6 standards-based math. Our grade 6 math teachers are skilled in differentiating the curriculum to support and stretch all learners.
When will I receive my schedule and how will I know where my classes are?
Schedules will be distributed to students on Schedule Pick Up Day in August and available online after Schedule Pick Up Day. Student schedules will include courses, teachers, assigned team (Pony Red or Pony Black) and locker number/combination.
Will we have recess in grade 6?
Students will not have a scheduled recess in grade 6. However, in good weather, teachers are encouraged to bring students outside during Connections and sometimes for other classes as well. Students will also spend a fair amount of time outside during phy-ed during the fall and spring months. At the middle school, movement breaks are built into the day with passing times between classes.
I’ve heard about the WEB orientation program for incoming grade 6 students? What is that about?
WEB stands for Where Everybody Belongs. Incoming grade 6 students participate in the WEB orientation program their very first day of school. They and grade 8 WEB leaders are the only students in school that day. Grade 8 students lead grade 6 students in fun activities designed to help students get to know each other and learn strategies for a successful school year.
How are math, science, and English course placements determined?
All incoming grade 6 students are placed in grade 6 standards-based classes. This includes earth science, grade 6 English Language Arts, grade 6 math, and MN studies (social studies). The only exception is students who are in the GATE program.
What is the transition process for students with special education services?
Elementary special education case managers and school psychologists meet with middle school special education case managers and school psychologists to discuss and transfer IEPs. Parents are invited to a transition meeting to meet middle school personal, ask questions and ensure that their child’s needs are communicated and met.
What about lockers?
Students have combination lockers in their grade level bay. Combinations are printed on the students’ initial schedules. Students also have a built in combination lock for their PE locker which will be assigned by PE teachers once school starts. From the very first day of school there are teachers, counselors, custodians, administrators and paraprofessionals that will help students open lockers. Plus, students practice opening their lockers on orientation day.
I’ve heard that in 6th and 7th grade we are placed on teams? How does that work?
Grade 6 and 7 students are placed on either Pony Black or Pony Red teams, which have team specific teachers. Dividing students by teams gives teachers and students a good opportunity to know each other really well. Teams are generated automatically based on balancing the numbers of students in each class and on each team.
Will I see my friends on the other team?
You will see your friends before school, during passing time, and during lunch. All grade level students have lunch at the same time. This is also an opportunity for you to meet new friends on your team and expand your network of friends!
Can I change teams?
We don’t allow students to change teams because we need to keep the numbers balanced between teams and teachers.
Am I on the same team every year?
Teams can change from year to year. One year you might be on the Pony Red team, one year you might be on the Pony Black team.
Do I have to change for phy-ed? What is the Phy Ed uniform?
Students are encouraged to change for phy-ed, using their PE locker to store their clothes while while attending PE class.. Students do not have a required PE uniform and should plan to change into activity appropriate clothing for class.
Grade 7 Frequently Asked Questions
What are the grade 7 electives?
Boys Choir, Girls Choir, Band, * Orchestra, General Music
What are the grades 6 and 7 wheel courses and why do we take them?
Wheel courses are quarter classes that include: Middle School Success, Health, Art and either Design and Modeling or Automation/Robotics depending on the year’s rotation. Students take these courses as an opportunity to build good habits and explore courses they may want to build on in the future.
How are grade 7 placements determined?
Grade 6 students are given placement tests in the spring of their sixth grade year. Placement tests consist of an algebra readiness exam and an English writing sample. Students must also meet certain criteria on Standardized tests from grade 6 (in some cases test data from grade 5 as well).
When will I receive my schedule and how will I know where my classes are?
Students will learn about their class placement in June. Specific student schedules that include courses, periods they are scheduled, team (Pony Red or Black), teachers, and classroom locations will be communicated in August.
Grade 8 Frequently Asked Questions
Students will register through PowerSchool in class
What electives do we get to choose?
Boys Choir, Girls Choir, Band*, Orchestra* * If currently play an instrument
Spanish, French, Lifetime Fitness, Art Studio, Design & Make
Can I change the elective course I registered for?
We encourage students to be thoughtful about the electives they choose before registering because we base our staffing on your elective choices. If you register for band or orchestra in 6th or 7th grade, we expect that you fulfill that commitment for the entire school year. You can choose not to continue in band and orchestra the following year, if you like.
Which courses earn high school credit and impact high school GPA in middle school?
World Languages (Spanish, French), Geometry, Algebra II
Why do we have to list alternates on our registration?
On occasion an elective might become full. Students list and prioritize alternate elective choice so the registrar can schedule the next choice of elective.